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הועלה על ידי דור ניסים
While your Ad Block is enabled, you experience long wait times for download files.
All file types!.
Our purpose is to allow everybody to be able to share their files. Just keep it simple and legal - No illegal or copyrighted content is allowed.
Click or Drop.
Just drag and drop your file anywhere on the File2Host home page, or click on the largely dashed square.
Once your files upload finished, just click on 'send by email' button. Of course, you always can simply paste file URL into your email.
We also offer you auto-complete contacts from your Gmail account.
Save your 'delete link' in case you want to delete or sign up and take control on your files.
Expiry or Abuse.
If you choose expiry date so your file will be deleted due date.
Files that contain disallowed materials - illegal or copyrighted content will be removed.
File2Host will always remain free to use, as well as we offer some premium plans with advanced features.
Click on the download button to let the server prepare a download link, once it ready, click again at the download and you have done.
As long as you choose.
Choose expiry time or do nothing and your files will be kept forever.